Fri, Jun 22
|1801 W Pinhook Rd
Greetings!!! On behalf of all the members of our masonic jurisdiction, M. W King David Grand Lodge A.F & A.M, Inc., WE, invite the present of the general public to our inaugural Grand Session & Award Ceremony.

Time & Location
Jun 22, 2018, 8:00 AM – Jun 23, 2018, 11:30 PM
1801 W Pinhook Rd, 1801 W Pinhook Rd, Lafayette, LA 70508, USA
About the event
The Most Worshipful King David Grand Lodge
The General Grand Masonic Congress
of Grand Masters & Past Grand Masters of the United States Of America
Organized in Washington D.C., 1847. Revised 1889, Cleveland, Ohio
Left on record by the Late John G. Jones 33rd.
"God is Light; In Him there is no Darkness" 1 John 1:5
Hon. Olugbenga J. Shomade 33rd
Grand Master (3373266781)
Proclamation 2018
Theme: The Power of Prayers.
Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Mark 11:24
Greetings! Salutations in the name of The Grand Architect of the Universe:
To the Grand Officers, Worshipful Masters, Matron and members holding allegiance to The Most Worshipful King David Grand Lodge A.F & A.M, Inc State of Louisiana, United States of America.
WHEREAS, The statues of the Most Worshipful King David Grand Lodge provides for the holding of stated communication and gatherings as the need may require and further notifications be made by the Grand Lodge of these meetings to each officer and the various Lodges and Chapter respectively.
BE IT THEREFORE KNOWN, pursuant to the Laws of the Masonic Most Worshipful King David Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, State of Louisiana and by the power vested as the Most Worshipful Grand Master, I, Olugbenga J. Shomade, 33rd, Do hereby proclaim that the Annual Grand Session of Most Worshipful King David Grand Lodge A.F & A.M Inc, State of Louisiana will convene in Lafayette, Louisiana at the Wyndham Garden 1801 W. Pinhook Rd, Lafayette, LA 70508 on June 22, 23, 2018, inclusive.
Hotel Reservations: For reservation contact:
Wyndham Garden
1801 W. Pinhook Rd,
Lafayette, LA.
Room Rates: $79.00 Plus Tax, the Room Rates also include 2 free breakfasts.
All members who are financial with both their subordinate Lodge, Chapter and the Grand Lodge are entitled to attend and witness the proceedings. All members must register through their Lodge/Chapter, whether attending or not. Please follow all guidelines presented in said proclamation.
Those Lodges/Chapters not in compliance shall be fined. As always govern yourselves accordingly.
Registration Fee $50.00 Per Member
Early Registration Start January 15th, 2018
Deadline for Registration is June 4th, 2018
For Registration
Please, Register Online at https://www.kingdavidgl.org/event Follow the Register now
link and make payment for Registration.
Contact the Grand Lodge Secretary:
RW. Orlando Calhoun 32nd @ 3373718909
REGALIA: Masons must dressed in Black suit, White shirt, Black bowtie, White Gloves, White apron trimmed in Blue and Black shoes. Worshipful Master should wear the Regalia of their office.
Sisters; All White ( Fezzes, Sash, Gloves)
Friday Night June 22nd, 2018
Game Night (Inter-Lodges Bowling competition) 8:00 - 10:00pm 2825 Johnston St 8:00 - 10:00 pm
All Lodges and O.E.S Chapter should be dressed in their respective Lodge/Chapter attire.
Transportation will be provided for the guest going to the Bowling Lane.
PARTY in DA BOOT - Wyndham Garden, 1801 W. Pinhook Rd, 10:30 pm - 2 am $10
All Lodges and O.E.S Chapter should be dressed in their respective Lodge/Chapter attire.
Saturday June 23rd, 2018
Registration 8:15 - 9:00am
Joint Session with O.E.S 9:15am - 10:00 am
Grand Lodge Convene meeting called to Order @ 10:15 am
Reading of minutes
12 Noon - Labor to refreshments
1: 30 pm - Refreshments to Labour
Close of Session @ 2:30 pm
Saturday Night M.W King David GL Inaugural Ball & Award Ceremony
7:00 pm……………………………….Program Begins
Dress Code: Semi-Formal
Masons must dressed in Black suit, Light Blue long sleeve shirt, Black bow-tie and Black shoes.
Given under my hand and Great Seal of office at the Most Worshipful King David Grand Lodge A.F & A.M, in the City of Lafayette, Lafayette Parish, State of Louisiana, to affix here to, this 3rd, day of January 2018, A.D., 6018 A.L.
Fraternally Submitted
RW. Orlando Calhoun 32nd M.W Olugbenga J. Shomade 33rd
Grand Secretary M.W Grand Master.