You have heard a lot about a man named John G. Jones. However, a lot of this information has been false. We are not here to dwell on — or criticize -- misinformation. We are here to learn the truth. Once you have the truth, you have an armor that no one can penetrate.
John G. Jones was born on November 9,1849 in Ithaca, New York. At the age of seven, his family relocated to Chicago Illinois. At an older age, Jones studied law under W. W. O’Brien, who was a famous criminal lawyer in Illinois.
On March 24, 1881, the Supreme Court of Illinois admitted Jones to the Illinois State Bar and he was later elected State Representative of the 5th District of Cook County Illinois. John G. Jones was a member of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, F. & A.M., of the State of Illinois. He was initiated, passed, and raised in John Jones Lodge No. 7. This lodge was named after his uncle, John Jones. John G. Jones served as Master of this Lodge and was elected Grand Secretary in 1873 & 1874 and served as such until being elected Deputy Grand Master in 1875.
John G. Jones was not re-elected Deputy Grand Master thereafter, but became very active in Scottish Rite Masonry. In 1877 John G. Jones was instrumental in the organizing of the John Jones affiliations of Grand Lodges within Chicago with 27 state. (Coil’s Masonic Encyclopedia page 439 Copyright 1961)
On Nov.15, 1887, at a special session of the United Supreme Council in Chicago Ill.
The ILL. John G. Jones 33rd was appointed Deputy for the states of Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Arkansas, California he was appointed chairperson of the committee on foreign relations for the United Supreme Council by M.P.S.G.C. Thornton A. Jackson 33rd.
In 1893, John G. Jones had the Mystic Shrine order conferred upon him by Noble R. Pasha at the world fair in the city of Chicago. He then went on to establish Palestine Temple, which became the first temple of the Mystic Shrine for blacks. After receiving his charter to establish and organized the temple, John G. Jones established and organized the Imperial Grand Council of the Ancient Arabic order Noble of the Mystic Shrine of North in South America. John G. Jones also established and organized the Supreme Grand Court Daughters Sphinx in 1895.
On October 7, 1889 at the regular session of the United Supreme Council held in Washington D.C. Thornton A. Jackson 33rd of Washington D.C. was elected the M.P.S.G.C. and John G. Jones 33rd of Chicago Ill. was elected to LT Grand Commander.
On October 17, 1895 at the annual session of the United Supreme Council held in Washington D.C. there were only five consistories holding their charters belonging to the United Supreme Council.
The members of the United Supreme Council were desirous of reviving the Order and establishing a large number of consistories in various parts of the United States. They concluded that the best plan was to elect new Grand Officers. In addition, put at the head of the United Supreme Council an active, progressive, and intelligent mason.
The election held on 17th of October 1895, in Washington, D.C. at the Masonic Hall on Virginia St. the results after the ballots were cast; ILL. John G. Jones 33rd of Chicago, IL, received sixteen (16) votes out of twenty-two votes cast. John G. Jones was elected Sovereign Grand Commander of The United Supreme Council A.A.S.R.M.F.M. this cause one of the biggest split within black masonry. Between what is call Prince Hall Freemasonry F. & AM. & John G. Jones A.F. & A.M.
John G. Jones went on to establishes and organized the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Mason and the General Grand Encampment of the Knight Templar and the General Grand Masonic Congress of Grand Lodges A.F. & A.M. of the U.S.A. and Canada.
(From the archives of JGJ Grand Lodge of California)
In 1896 King Solomon Lodge of NY #1, Hiram Abiff Lodge #2, Jerusalem Lodge #3, and Joppa Lodge # 4. They assembled in convention, and formed the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Washington D.C A.F & A.M., August 6. 1896 and elected M.W. Mingo Sander the first Grand Master of the A.F. & A.M., this Grand Lodge was incorporated in 1896 in Washington D. C this is the mother Grand Lodge of the A.F. & A.M.
In the late 1800’s John G. Jones and William Gray organized St John Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. Illinois John G. Jones served as its Grand Secretary. The Grand Lodge was incorporated and in 1901, William Gray Grand Master. The same year John G. Jones established and organized The Supreme council of O.E.S. at Buffalo, NY.
Oct. 9, 1900 John G. Jones organized the Knight of the Red Cross of Constantine in Washington D.C. and received the degree in Canada under the Independent council of Knight of the Red Cross of Constantine and given a patent of power and author to institute a Sovereign Grand Council of Knight of the Red Cross of Constantine.
Newspaper article 1902 The Washington Bee
In 1902 The Supreme Council of Romania A.A.S.R.F.M. Recognized the United Supreme Council of the A.A.S.R.F.M. for the Southern & Western Jurisdictions under the leadership John G. Jones 33rd http://www.scr1881.ro/index.php?pg=history&lng=en
The Wichita Searchlight 1904
Dec.11, 1903 the white Grand Lodge of New York F.& AM. Officially Recognized the M.W. St. John Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Illinois Grand Master Williams Gray, Secretary John G. Jones.
On Nov. 30, 1904 at the Masonic Hall in Chicago ill, the degree of Royal Order of Scotland was conferred upon the Ill. John G. Jones by Doctor Frederick B. Ashley, 33rd of the Republic of Panama. John G. Jones was elected Grand Master in 1905
Jones died on June 7, 1914, and was interred at the Oakwood Cemetery in Chicago. In 2002, the General Grand Masonic Congress dedicated a memorial wall to him at that cemetery.
On June 01st, 2019 at the Annual Grand Session, the name of this Grand Lodge was amended and dedicated to Late John G. Jones for his immense contributions to humanity and black Masonry in America.
LONG LIVE M.W JOHN G. JONES GRAND LODGE, Jurisdiction of Louisiana.
Compiled by:
M.W Olugbenga J. Shomade 33rd
MW John G. Jones Grand Lodge A.F & A.M, INC, State of Louisiana.